Sagittarius A* (pronounced Sagittarius A-star) is a supermassive black hole located at the center of the Milky Way galaxy. It is estimated to have a mass 4 million times that of our Sun and is surrounded by a compact radio source known as Sagittarius A. Research on Sagittarius A* focuses on studying the behavior and properties of this unique astronomical object, including its gravitational effects on surrounding stars and gas clouds, its accretion disk, and its powerful magnetic fields. Scientists also study the interactions between Sagittarius A* and the surrounding environment, as well as the potential impact of its activity on the formation and evolution of galaxies. Observations and studies of Sagittarius A* are carried out using various telescopes and instruments, including radio telescopes, X-ray telescopes, and infrared telescopes. These studies provide valuable insights into the nature of black holes, the dynamics of galactic centers, and the fundamental processes that govern the universe.